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Сельское и лесное хозяйство
Badanie wpływu metod obliczeniowych na wyznaczaną wartość naprężenia granicznego gleby
In the paper results of calculations of boundary density of soil by means of five methods using linear regress are presented. Researches were spent on the tests taken from a field from an arable layer during the autumn period. The soil has been condensed in the conditions of possible and limiting it collateral splitting at actual (field) humidity and the humidity corresponding to absorbing force pF2. The valid difference in the designated values of boundary density of soil is confirmed at use of corresponding computing methods.
Moisture habitats, the usefulness value and natural amenities of the meadows by the Płonno lake
The results of floristic examination of the meadows that are situated by the Płonno were presented. Phytosociological measurements were taken and vascular plant lists were made as well as herbage yield. The phytoindicative analysis points to diversity of habitats from permanently marshy ones through temporarily drained to the wet ones. The following plant communities were identified: the acute sedge (Carex acuta), the tall oat-grass (Arrhenatherum elatius) and the panicled sedge (Carex paniculata). The natural values of the plant communities under analysis were assessed at most as moderate.
Preliminary analysis of the vascular flora of extensively grazed skoszewskie meadows
Результаты исследований эффекта расширения выпаса скота и производства мяса во многом зависит от качества выпасных растений и пастбищ в целом. Самое большое количество растений сосудистого типа, наиболее эффективных для этой задачи был обнаружен в областях пастбищ Шотландского Нагорья, а минимальный на территории Лимузина. Что касается жизненных форм, видов группы hemicryptophytes, то они преобладают на этих территория практически везде. Вид, который указывает наиболее высокий уровень степени биомассы, проводился на примере лошадей при выпасе на Шотландских пастбищах Нагорья. Пастбища выпаса, как лошадей, так и мясного скота классифицировались по географическим уровням. The results of research of the effect of extensive grazing of the Polish Koniks, Scottish Highland cattle and Limousine beef cattle, on the floristic changes are presented. The largest number of vascular plant species was found in areas grazed by Scottish Highland cattle, while the smallest one in those grazed by Limousine cattle. In respect of life-forms, the species of the group of hemicryptophytes prevailed in all locations. On horse pastures, the percentage of species with high light index was the largest. The areas grazed by Scottish Highland cattle proved to be most humid. The species that indicate a higher eutrophication degree of biotope occurred more abundantly on horse and Scottish Highland pastures. Pastures for horses and beef cattle were classifying to site of low natural values, while those grazed by Scottish Highland cattle to lands of medium-moderate values.